Election Rules
Participating in the elections? These rules are here to ensure a fair and level playing field for everyone. Make sure to read them carefully, these rules must be adhered to anyone participating in the election —violations could lead to disqualification or restrictions placed on your campaign!
If you decide to withdraw your nomination, you can do so any time before the deadline using the same online form. The SU Voice team is here to help with any queries about the rules.
Campaigning Rules
Campaign Conduct Rules
- All individuals must ensure their campaigning, including actions by their supporters, is appropriate across all mediums. Violations ay result in disciplinary action under the University’s Student Conduct Regulations.
- All individuals participating in the elections are bound by: the Rules of the Students’ Union Constitution, the University’s Conduct Regulations, Equality and Diversity Policy, Social Media Policy and Student Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy. These apply to all activities. Any election material in breach may be ruled out of order by the Returning Officer.
- Candidates and supporters must not send unsolicited text messages or emails to any voter.
- Personal attacks on election participants are prohibited. Candidates are responsible for all content on their social platforms, including content posted on their behalf.
- Candidates may engage with media but cannot exchange financial payments for coverage. Campaign statements must not imply representation of Queen’s University Belfast or its Students’ Union.
- All individuals must ensure their campaigning, including actions by their supporters, is appropriate across all mediums. Violations may result in disciplinary action under the University’s Student Conduct Regulations.
- Commercial partnerships/‘tie ins’ are prohibited. No discounts or commercial benefits can be included in any election document (manifesto/flyer or similar).
- Online Campaigning can start at any time.
- The Returning Officer can limit the number of canvassers in polling areas.
- All candidates must, at all times, adhere to the provisions of Rule 2 of the Students’ Union’s Constitution regarding elections.
- All individuals participating in the elections should not undertake campaigning activity not reasonably available to other candidates.
Standard Rules for In-Person Campaigning
- Candidates are responsible for the appropriate display of all their own publicity material which must not deface any part of the University campus. Belfast City Council prohibit the distribution of flyers and other printed materials in public areas.
- Candidates are responsible for assessing and managing any risk(including health and safety matters) in relation to their campaign, including distribution of food items.
- Posters and banners (of any description) may not be placed anywhere within or on the exterior of the One Elmwood building. This includes street furniture or Department of the Environment (DoE) property.
- For health and safety reasons, materials may not be displayed higher than 8 feet or in any location that requires the use of a step ladder (or similar).
- Candidates and their campaign teams may canvass, and distribute flyers, in and around the general area of the One Elmwood building. Library Canvassing however is prohibited to avoid disturbing students.
- Candidates or their supporters/canvassers may not remove materials belonging to another candidate(s). If you believe that materials are displayed in a manner that is contrary to regulation, please bring this to the attention of the Returning Officer.
- Printed materials must not be placed over displays of any sort (e.g. plasma screens) or impede visibility through door-glass.
- Only pre-packaged edible goods may be distributed as a part of any campaign (e.g. sweets or lollipops that have a wrapper). Cooked, baked, or heated goods may not be distributed.
- Candidates should only use official noticeboards, seeking permission from the relevant University porter or supervisor in advance, or from the University Estates Directorate. When putting up your posters, candidates must use pins or magnets (not staples). You must not cover up any existing posters, although you may remove out of date posters unconnected to the elections.
- The Returning Officer may at their discretion allow each candidate access to a telephone to receive incoming telephone calls and / or to make outgoing telephone calls.
- Table / foyer / stall bookings may not be made by campaigns anywhere on Campus without the prior authorisation of the Returning Officer.
Please be aware that in recent years, issues have emerged concerning candidate and supporter conduct in local areas like the Holylands, Stranmillis, and Lisburn Road.
- Election materials, including manifestos and flyers, may be distributed in local community areas, but these must be put completely through letterboxes or handed directly to voters.
- Election materials may not be affixed to walls, doors or trees in local community areas.
- Election materials may not be placed on the windscreens of any cars parked in local community areas.
- Megaphones, public address systems, the broadcast of loud music and so on, are prohibited by candidates and their supporters.
- Littering is prohibited—candidates may be charged for cleaning up their materials.
- The use of chalk (e.g. chalk messages on pavements) to promote any candidate is prohibited both on and off campus.
- Any candidate or supporter involved in the harassment of any local resident will be subjected to the University’s Disciplinary Regulations.
- All candidates should note that they may be held jointly responsible for any misconduct by any person canvassing on their behalf and may again be subject to the University’s Disciplinary Regulations.
- Technical Rules
Election Print and Online Materials
- “Election material” includes print and digital materials, equipment and paid services used to incentivise or promote a campaign.
- Prior approval from the Returning Officer is required before purchasing, producing, or distributing materials.
- The cap on spending is £60 (non-reimbursable); receipts must be kept and provided to the Returning Officer if requested. Note: Most candidates spend nothing during Student Officer Elections, it is not a requirement).
- Candidates do not receive any reimbursement or refund for any election expenses incurred.
- Advertising may be purchased from: Google, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Twitter, and Tiktok. Other platforms require authorisation by the Returning Officer.
- Any discounts, reduced rates and access used to promote must be available to all candidates.
- Everything used by a candidate for their promotion will be assigned a nominal value.
- Failure to comply with these rules is a serious breach of campaign rules.
- If you have any queries about proposed election spend, you can seek confidential advice from the SU Voice Team.
- Candidates grant the Students’ Union full permission, in perpetuity, to publish and republish their election manifesto and profile information.
Participation Rules for Clubs and Societies in Elections
- Can endorse candidates with committee-approved, minuted decisions. These can be requested the Returning Officer or as evidence in an Election Court.
- Clubs and Societies resources may not be used to support candidates. This includes production of any campaign materials.
Use of Students’ Union Online Spaces
- Online Spaces include all SU digital spaces, including Club and Society social media forums.
- Candidates may post in group forums with admin approval.
- Equal access must be given to all candidates for the same position (this includes closed groups)
- Candidates may not place election communications into the following SU Facebook groups:
- Queen's Students' Union Accommodation Forum
- Queen's Students' Union Club & Society Committee Members
- Queen's Students' Union SU Enterprise Forum
Queen’s Accommodation Sites
Access to any Queen's Accommodation site requires prior arrangement with Queen's management.
Endorsements by University Staff and Use of University Resources
- Staff must remain impartial and cannot endorse candidates or provide exclusive resources.
- Staff can promote voting in the elections (3 -6 Mar). Supporting guidance and a toolkit will be available in advance of the voting period.
- Staff can allow students to address students via physical or online lecture addresses.
- Candidates may not request that University staff endorse them.
- Any candidates, or their campaigners, with any form of contractual arrangement with the University, may not use their position to benefit, access or further a campaign.
- All individuals participating in the elections should not undertake campaigning activity unavailable to other candidates.
Students' Union Reps: SU Executive Management Committee Members, Faculty and School Representatives
Full-Time and Part-Time Student Officers, Faculty Reps and School Reps - in common with all student members - are fully entitled to participate in the annual Students’ Union elections as a candidate, a canvasser, and a supporter.
They must not abuse their position in the furtherance of an election campaign.
They may endorse candidates but must not imply support from Queen’s University or its Students’ Union. Avoid using titles in endorsements (e.g., “As Tiddlywinks Officer, I endorse X”).
Students’ Union resources must not be used in the furtherance of an Election campaign, unless approved by the Returning Officer.
Student Union Reps must not utilise their position as a Student Rep to gain unfair advantage for their campaign or on behalf of another candidate. To remain within the rules, DO NOT:
- Use SU resources such as role email address or social media accounts.
- Use role related opportunities such as ‘induction talks’, presentations, or speaking opportunities.
- Use role to secure access to classes / lectures.
- Book Union or University facilities or resources unavailable to other candidates.
- Use SU stall(s) at Union / University events the furtherance of election campaigns.
- Use SU offices or spaces to host campaign activities or store/distribute materials.
- Use spaces which are not reasonably available to other candidates to not record, or be recorded, in campaign videos
- Wear Union-branded clothing connected to a formal role when engaging in election campaigning activity.
The Constitution states:
"Sabbatical Officers are free to take part in an Election in the same manner as any other student. However, they must not abuse their position in any way in the furtherance of an Election campaign. In particular, they must not take part in any Election campaign during hours of work unless they have been granted annual leave."
Full-Time Student Officers may promote and encourage general student involvement in the elections. This is a core element of their roles. If a Full-Time Student Officer endorses any candidates in elections and plans to engage in general promotional activity , they should seek guidance from the Returning Officer.
Any Full-Time Student Officer participating as a candidate, canvasser, or supporter of candidate, may not do so doing their hours of work:
- Annual leave must be requested in writing and evidence of approved leave submitted in advance to the Returning Officer.
- While on duty and getting paid, Student Officers may not canvass support on behalf of any candidate. Time must be taken off work as part of their annual leave entitlement.
- Minor campaigning activity, such as posting on social media, must be undertaken during break periods agreed with their line manager (e.g. lunch periods).
- How Elections Work
Voting in Elections
Voting will take place as detailed in the official announcements for elections. This announcement details the date, times and locations of voting. Voting usually takes place online, normally on the Students' Union website.The voting process is outlined within Rule 2 of the Students’ Union’s Constitutional Rules (see below). The voting process is based on the principles of proportional representation and the single transferable vote. Students may vote for as many candidates as they wish in any particular election.
Voting with a ‘1’ represents the casting of a ‘first preference’. Voters may also indicate a second preference with a ‘2’, continuing with further preferences (‘3’, ‘4’, etc) up to the total number of candidates.
Candidates should bear in mind that it is extremely worthwhile campaigning for all votes, as second and third preferences have had a critical impact upon determining who was elected in previous elections.
Voting Rules
Only Queen’s University students may vote. They can vote on any personal computing device or University computer connected to the internet.
Students of Mary’s University College and Stranmillis University College are not permitted to stand as candidates or vote in these elections. Certain students are ineligible to vote in some elections. For example, INTO-Queen's partnership students cannot participate in elections to Full-Time Student Officer positions.
Candidates and their canvassers / supporters are not permitted to complete other students’ online ballot papers on their behalf. If a voter requires assistance to complete their vote and has asked for a candidate or canvasser to assist them, the candidate or canvasser should refuse to do so.
Counting of Votes
QSU staff begin the online count under the supervision of the Returning Officer once electronic voting is over. The SU uses a single transferable voting system.
The vote counting procedure is detailed in the Constitution of the Students’ Union. If such a scenario arises whereby a count cannot take place as described in the Constitution – due to technological limitations – the count shall take place using a process compliant with the process published by the Electoral Reform Society (ERS 1997) as determined by the Returning Officer.
Election results will be announced on the Students’ Union website when counting is complete.
The Returning Officer
The Returning Officer is the person appointed by the SU to conduct elections.For Full-Time Student Officer elections, the Returning Officer is a staff member of the National Union of Students (Charitable Services), appointed by the SU Council. Local SU staff conduct the elections on behalf of the Returning Officer. For all other Students' Union elections, the Returning Officer is the Clerk of the SU Council, a SU staff member.
The Returning Officer has the following powers:
- The Returning Officer shall be the sole arbitrator in all matters relating to the election.
- The Returning Officer shall be responsible for conducting the election.
- The Returning Officer shall make rulings and issue further determinations as required. Such a determination shall have the same standing as a Rule and shall be effective for that election only.
- Rulings and determinations shall be made available on an authorised noticeboard of the Union (i.e. website or email) and shall be communicated to candidates.
- A determination issued by the Returning Officer may be challenged by referral to an Election Court upon petition.
- If the Returning Officer is satisfied that a person’s failure to comply with any Election regulation is directly due to circumstances beyond that person’s control, they may at their discretion except that person from that regulation. Such a decision may be challenged by reference to an Election Court upon petition.
- The Returning Officer can be contacted through the Students' Union SU Voice team.
All information published on the Students' Union website in relation to the elections, and the relevant Rules in the Students' Union Constitution are considered to be Election Rules.
- Complaints, Appeals and Election Courts
A Student Member wishing to lodge a complaint regarding any aspect of an election, may do so via email to the Returning Officer or by the complaints form .A complaint should include:
- The name and contact details of the complainant .
- The details of the alleged issue, including individuals involved.
- Evidence (if available).
Complaints will be investigated by the Returning Officer, but they will not constitute a formal request for an ‘Election Court’.
Any Student Member who has reason to believe that there was irregularity regarding the conduct of an Election, shall have the right to lodge an Election Petition with the Returning Officer within 72 hours of the alleged irregularity, according to the provisions of Rule 2 of the Students’ Union Constitution.
An Election Petition shall only be valid if its purpose is to challenge or appeal a decision of the Returning Officer, or if there is valid reason that prevented the irregularity being presented to the Returning Officer for a ruling prior to the close of polling.
Such a complaint triggers a formal process known as an Election Court. The Election Court will convene to investigate and make a decision on the petition (complaint). Further information can be obtained from the Returning Officer.
If you wish to appeal any decision relating to QSU elections, you must do so in writing to the Director of the Students’ Union. All appeals must be received within 72 hours of a Ruling by the Returning Officer. An appeal triggers a process known as an Election Court. For more information on mechanism and time limits visit Students’ Union’s Constitutional Rules.If you require further information, you may contact the Returning Officer or Assistant Returning Officer.
- Use of Personal Data
Candidate Use of Personal Data
All candidates in Students’ Union elections are personally responsible for how they use personal data of students which they acquire and process in relation to their election campaign.All personal data must be used in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018, and all relevant University polices.
Candidates should read this University produced guide and make themselves aware of their responsibilities in relation to using personal data.
Students' Union Use of Personal Data - Data Protection Statement
We will use your personal data in compliance with the University’s Data Protection Policy and Student Privacy Notice for the purpose of enabling your participation in, and awareness of, elections and other representation and campaigning activity conducted by the Students’ Union. This Data Protection Statement applies to candidates, campaigners and voters in all elections, and to all campaigners and voters in referendums.Records of names and student numbers of candidates will be retained in accordance with the Students' Union's data retention policy.
The details of how we will use your data is available here: Queen’s Students’ Union Elections 2024-25 - Data Protection Details.