QUBSU Accommodation Forum

QUBSU Accommodation Forum
Who's running the campaign
Jessica Elder, Student Officer Welfare
What we want to change
We know that it is often hard to find other Queen's students to live with in the new term, especially if you are a new student coming to Queen's.
How we are going to change it
To help with this, we have a QUBSU Accommodation Forum, a facebook group which new and returning students can join and use to find housemates when moving into private accommodation.
How to Join...
Incoming first year students: Email a copy of your Queen's comfirmation letter to Jessica, Welfare Officer or call in to her office with it on the 2nd floor of the Union.
Returning students: Using your Queen's email account, email Jessica, Welfare Officer with your name and student number.
Jessica will then approve you as a member when you request to join the Forum.
Happy house hunting!
We do our utmost to screen new members to ensure that only Queen's students have access to this group, however we do not take responsibility for any illegitimate members. Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity.
Please stay safe when you are house hunting - if possible, take a friend or a family member with you to any viewings or if you have to go alone, let someone know where you have gone and when you think you’ll be back.
Please always refer to our Accommodation section for further help with issues such as your deposit, gas safety certificate and TV license.
If you have any concerns or questions please contact Jessica on su.vpwelfare@qub.ac.uk or studentadvice@qub.ac.uk