Pop-Up SU

Pop-Up SU
Who's running the campaign
Your Student Officers.
What we want to change and why we want to change it
We know that not every single student at Queen’s is aware of the Students’ Union, what it can offer or about the five Student Officers that have been elected to help and represent them.
So, we’re heading out and about campus to tell you about what we have done this year so far and to ask for feedback and suggestions on what you think we should be working on.
Our Student Officers, Part-Time Student Officers and Staff will be there so make sure to come say hi...
Date | Time | Venue |
Tues 2 May | 9.30am - 12noon | The Medical Biology Centre |
Tues 2 May | 1.30pm - 4pm | The Law School Foyer |
Wed 3 May | 9.30am - 12noon | The Computer Science Building |
Wed 3 May | 1.30pm - 4pm | The Treehouse, Elms Village |