Fit to Sit

Fit to Sit
Who's running the campaign
Oisín Hassan, Student Officer Education
What we want to change and why we want to change it
At this time of year it’s easy to feel the pressure of exams, deadlines and late nights in the library.
We also know that sometimes serious things happen in your personal life, or in the lives of those close to you, which have a very significant impact on your ability to study or sit exams. We want you to understand the rules and regulations that are there to support and protect you if you experience challenging personal circumstances.
If you sit an exam or submit a piece of coursework, you’re deeming yourself fit to be assessed. Once you’ve been marked and you have achieved a pass, your results can’t be changed. If something in your personal life is affecting your ability to study or complete assessment, you could be eligible for Exceptional Circumstances.
If you are having issues please contact...
In your School
- Your Module Coordinator
- Your Advisor of Studies
- Your Personal Tutor
(Get in touch with your School if you don't know who they are)
In your Students' Union
- Your Student Officer Education, Oisín Hassan
- Your Student Officer Welfare, Jessica Elder
- Your Education and Welfare Advisor, Agnes Crawford
In the Exam Hall
- Speak to the Exam Invigilator if you're feeling ill during your exam
If you feel that your circumstances are personal or sensitive get in touch with the Directorate of Academic and Student Affairs.
And remember, if you need a confidential chat with a friendly, welcoming face, SU Advice is always here and ready to help. No problem is too big or too small.