Disable The Label

Disable The Label - Disability Awareness Week
Who's running the campaign
Your Student Officer Equality & Diversity, Rachel Powell and your Disabled Students' Officer, Catherine Rafferty.
What we want to change and why we want to change it
1 in 10 students at Queen's has a disability - virtually all of us will know someone with a disability (visible or invisible).
Our Disable the Label campaign aims to raise awareness about the breadth of disability, challenge perceptions people have about disabilities and reinforce that labels are NOT for people.
This year we will be focusing on invisible illnesses, sensory awareness, disability rights and the impact of welfare reform on disabled people.
We're holding a range of events that EVERYONE can get involved in from 4 - 8 December including film screenings, social events in Elms and specific disability roundtables for postgraduate students and others for those interested in disability rights and increasing autism accessibility.
Find out what's on and come along.