Campaign SU

Campaign SU
Who's running the campaign
Your Student Officer Campaigns & Communications, Seán Fearon
What the Mission's about
People power is an unstoppable force that can drive amazing social change. When a group of like-minded, determined and compassionate people come together with a common goal, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.
Queen’s Students have made a huge impact in the past. In the 1960s they were leaders in the Northern Ireland civil rights movement. In the 1980s they were internationally recognised for campaigning against apartheid in South Africa. In the 2000s they’ve been successful in achieving a cap on tuition fees here in Northern Ireland.
We are committed to encouraging this student activism.
The Campaign SU Programme
Campaign SU is a year long programme that will give you the knowledge and power to start campaigning on the changes that you want to make happen. You'll learn vital skills like negotiating, power-mapping and essential campaigning tools and receive points towards a Queen’s Degree Plus Award.
Choose one of four issues that you are most passionate about and work with like-minded students and mentors to organise priority campaigns on campus.
- Environment
Mentored by Cllr Jon Barry, Green Party Councillor & Strategist and Green Political Economy Professor - LGBT+ Rights
Mentored by Malachai O'Hara, Rainbow Project Health & Wellbeing Services Manager and long time civil and human rights activist on LGBT+ issues - Women's Rights
Mentored by Emma Campbell, Alliance for Choice Vice-Chair, Belfast Feminist Network Admin member and University of Ulster PhD Candidate - Student Cuts
Mentored by Cllr Gerry Carroll, People Before Profit Belfast City Councillor, former NUS-USI Campaigns Organiser and long-time grass-roots campaigner
Download Your Guide to Change to help you with your campaigning.
We'll be organising a whole host of events over the coming months with more inspirational and knowledgeable guest speakers, so keep checking back for more info.