Cost of Living
We know that this is an incredibly challenging time for all our students, and we're committed to supporting you and your needs.
We have been working hard to represent you to the University, ensuring they understand the financial pressure that we know you are all experiencing.
Recent successes have included:
- In 2022, we lobbied strongly for a financial intervention package that would help and support ALL students. As a result the University announced it would provide:
- A cash payment to students both undergraduate and postgraduate (approximately 21,400 students) of £150. This payment was made in January 2023.
- A cash payment of £400 was made to students with a household income of less than £25k (which amounts to 3,600 students).
- An increased amount of funding in the Student Hardship Fund of £600.
- Library fines will be waived for the Academic Year 22/23.
- £47 Graduations fees were waived in December 2022 and Summer 2023.
- Disciplinary fees will be halved - a positive first step in our long-term lobbying aim of having them abolished.
- In February 2023, we opened The Pantry in Partnership with the University. This is a free refill station for students, and to date it has seen over 6,000 students visit.
- During Semester One of the 2022/23 Academic year, we distributed over 4,800 free breakfasts in the SU and in Semester Two of the 2022/23 Academic year we also provided Free Breakfasts for two weeks across three locations on Campus, including in the SU Lounge.
Over and above this, we'll be:
- Offering practical and immediate help and support:
- The Students’ Union is your home from home – with lots of areas to relax, study and meet up with friends, open Mondays-Saturdays, 8am-10pm, and Sundays, 11am-9pm
- Free tea, coffee and milk is available in the SU Lounge
- Free period products in the building
- Representing you by:
- Joining forces with our national students’ union, NUS-USI, in their ‘Cost of Survival’ campaign, calling on the NI Executive to provide:
- Cost-of-Living Payment for all students in further and higher education
- Rent freeze in the private sector and purpose-built student accommodation
- Free public transport for all students, as well as fuel payments and increased mileage rates
- Lobbying the NI Executive for:
- Distinct fuel bursary (£400 for students directly)
- Changes in landlords’ responsibility to create energy efficient homes
- Giving you helpful tools and advice about managing your money and making savings where possible, like free access to interactive learning platform Blackbullion
- Promoting the financial support that may be available to you including:
- Foodbanks
- Student support funds
- Benefits
- Encouraging you get involved in our campaign
- Asking for your ideas/feedback as to how we can help students during this time
- Joining forces with our national students’ union, NUS-USI, in their ‘Cost of Survival’ campaign, calling on the NI Executive to provide:
Have a look through the sections below for support available and helpful information at this time.