Almost everyone finds it hard to manage their money at one time or another. We know it can be even harder for you as a student as your income is usually paid to you at different times throughout the year - like a student loan in three installments or a part-time job that pays weekly or monthly.
That's why it's useful to create a budget to help you manage your money. It means that you can enjoy your time at university without the risk of ending up in the red.
A budget doesn’t have to be limiting — it’s about planning ahead. To help you do this Queen’s Students’ Union has teamed up with Blackbullion.
Blackbullion is a digital learning platform that helps students get smart with money. It offers various online courses, tools, and resources to help students learn about financial topics including budgeting.
To access the Blackbullion Budget Calculator and lots of useful information, register using your Queen's email and as a student of Queen’s Students’ Union.
If you haven’t been able to find the information your looking for please contact us at su.advice@qub.ac.uk