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Noise Complaints

University Conduct Expectations

Students conduct both on and off-campus counts. The University will consider and take the necessary action to investigate any report or complaint made about a students conduct off campus that may bring the University into disrepute.

Each year the University will receive complaints from local residents due to excess noise and anti-social behaviour in the wider University area. The University will investigate these and ensure that students involved are made aware of the conduct regulations and how these also relate to off-campus behaviour.

If a student is found to have behaved in a way that may be seen as a breach of the conduct regulations, a range of penalties may be imposed. This could be anything from a written warning to expulsion depending on the circumstances. It is especially important that you consider carefully who you want to live with in private rental properties as any complaints made against the property itself, even you were not specifically involved could mean penalties for you too.

Complaints made about antisocial behaviour are usually dealt with by the Neighbourhood Engagement Team. Likewise, if you have a concern about noise or antisocial behaviour involving a house or houses, you may want to contact the team to submit a complaint about this.

You can find information on the conduct regulations here


Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council have the authority to investigate noise complaints at any time of the day or night. At certain points in the year, Noise Control Officers may patrol the University area and respond to any complaints made.

If it is found that a household is making noise loud enough to be deemed excessive, then they will issue a warning notice. If the noise continues after this, a fine can be issued. They will notify the University of this too and the University will then investigate under the Conduct Regulations noted above.

If the noise persists in the property in question, the Council may decide to issue something called a section 65 notice under the Clean Neighbourhood and Environments (NI) Act 2011. A breach of this can result in criminal action being taken.

Something else to consider is that most tenancy agreements will now contain a clause relating to anti-social behaviour. Breaching this could result in the landlord terminating the contract early.

We would encourage you to familiarise yourself with your tenancy agreement behavioural clauses to ensure that you do not breach these.

You can also contact BCC Noise Hotline if you find that noise of antisocial behaviour is affecting you. Their contact information is:

If you haven’t been able to find the information your looking for please contact us at