Representing You
Your Student Officers are working hard to represent you and your needs to the University and lobby the Government on priority issues for students.
Recent successes have included:
- In 2022, we lobbied strongly for a financial intervention package that would help and support ALL students. As a result the University announced it would provide:
- A cash payment was to students both undergraduate and postgraduate (approximately 21,400 students) of £150. This payment was made in January 2023.
- A cash payment of £400 was made to students with a household income of less than £25k (which amounts to 3,600 students).
- An increased amount of funding in the Student Hardship Fund of £600.
- Library fines will be waived for the Academic Year 22/23.
- £47 Graduations fees were waived in December 2022 and Summer 2023.
- Disciplinary fees will be halved - a positive first step in our long-term lobbying aim of having them abolished.
Over and above this, we are:
- Joining forces with our national students’ union, NUS-USI, in their ‘Cost of Survival’ campaign, calling on the NI Executive to provide:
- Cost-of-Living Payment for all students in further and higher education
- Rent freeze in the private sector and purpose-built student accommodation
- Free public transport for all students, as well as fuel payments and increased mileage rates
- Lobbying the NI Executive for:
- Distinct fuel bursary (£400 for students directly)
- Changes in landlords’ responsibility to create energy efficient homes
We’ll keep you updated on progress here and on our socials. Make sure to follow us for updates: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
And if you would like to get involved in the campaign click here.