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Postgraduate Education

Kieran Minto- Your Postgraduate Education Officer

Kieran Minto (He/Him)

Hi everyone, I’m Kieran and I’m your Postgraduate Education Officer for this year. I am currently finishing off my masters in ecological management and conservation biology; last year I was involved in the SU as a course, school, and faculty rep; so I have an understanding of how the system works at Queen's and how it can be improved.

I have always enjoyed education and learning and I have loved my time at university, so this year I want to give a little back. I will also be looking after all PG student representation and training, supporting the reps to improve education across the faculties. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact!

Some priority projects I hope to work on for the upcoming year are:

  • Education reform and the Student Rep System
  • Sustainability and Environmentalism
  • Housing

Click here to read Kieran's Manifesto

Contact Amy