Exceptional Circumstances
Exceptional Circumstances are unforeseen circumstances or factors outside of your control which may have impacted your ability to study or perform at usual standard.
If you have a short-term physical or mental illness or have something impacting your studies/life in a major way then you may not be ‘fit-to-sit’ and should consider applying for exceptional circumstances. It’s your choice to make so think about it carefully.
You can submit an application for exceptional circumstances within 3 working days of your assessment deadline or exam through the University's Assessment Support Hub - Adjustments and Mitigations.
If at any stage you are unsure about the process and would like some support or guidance, please feel free to contact SU Advice - I'd Like Some More Advice.
You can also use one of our drop-in sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 11.30am – 2.00pm. We’re on the third floor of the Students’ Union building on Elmwood Avenue.
Circumstances likely to be accepted
- Death of a close friend or family member
- Serious illness
- Severe pain
- Serious illness of a close relative
- Hospitalisation
- Acute personal/ emotional circumstances
- Victim of a crime
- Significant financial problems
- Pregnancy related illness or stress
- Self-certified short-term illness
- Other – Military service, Representing University at a prestigious event
- Attendance at a wedding as member of wedding party
- Unforeseen exceptional work commitments for part-time students
It’s important to understand that just because your circumstances seem to fall within one of the above categories, it does not mean that they will automatically be accepted. You can self-certify for up to seven days but would need to submit evidence for any extension beyond this.
- Circumstances unlikely to be accepted
- Social activities/Sporting activities
- Temporary self-induced medical conditions, for example a hangover
- Minor ailments
- Non-serious personal and domestic disruptions
- Work commitments
- Chronic conditions where the student has already received support
- How to report Exceptional Circumstances
The University has an online application process. You should read the advice on the Assessment Support Hub - Adjustments and Mitigations or you can go directly to the application process here
You may need to submit evidence via the hub, depending on the amount of time you believe you need. If you are having trouble getting this evidence, you should submit anyway and indicate that the evidence will follow.
You will also be asked to fill out a Student Impact statement. This is your opportunity to clearly explain how the circumstances have affected your ability to submit/sit your assessments/exams. This statement will help your School to make the right choice and to support you going forward.
Remedies Available:
- Resubmit failed coursework within a set time as a first attempt
- Repeat a failed examination as a first attempt
- Retake failed module as a first attempt
If at any stage you are unsure about the process and would like some support or guidance, please contact us here - I'd Like Some More Advice.
You can also use one of our drop-in sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11.30am – 2.00pm. We’re on the third floor of the Students’ Union building on Elmwood Avenue.